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Aug 10 WOD

09 Aug

Thank you to the volunteers, sponsors and everyone who came out to make Lift for Abbi a tremendous success!  We can’t thank everyone enough for their generous support.  Our power lifting event had a great turnout and the competition was amazing.  The olympic lifting event was another great day for everyone as we also had yoga, a kids wod and the crossfit Abbi wod.  We are going to tally up the final numbers raised and will let everyone know how we did.  Once again, we are so grateful of everyone involved and we cannot wait until next year!!!

1. In teams of 2
Max reps of :
Prowler Push
Sled Drag
Bench Press ( 135/95)
Towel Farmers Carry
*5 minutes at each Station

2. 2 Minute Burpee Challenge


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