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Author Archives: theadmin

05 Jul

July 5 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – July 5, 2016

1. In a 20 minute window put 125/95 on your back and move it for max distance *courtesy of crossfit Linchpin, something different but relative to everyday life! 2. EMOM x 9 minutes 1- 8-10 barbell roll outs 2- 30 sec max seated L-sit Leg lifts 3- 30 sec m ... Continue Reading

04 Jul

July 4 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – July 4, 2016

Thank you to everyone who came out for our reva nation day.  Our box continues to grow and we can’t thank you enough for being a part of a great community. Monday 1. Back Squat 1 rep every 2 minutes for 12 minutes *build up to find your heaviest 2. ... Continue Reading

30 Jun

June 30 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – June 30, 2016

Dont forget this Saturday is reva nation day!  Party starts at 1030am Thursday 1. AMRAP x 8 minutes 5 Man Makers 10 Toes to Bar Rest 4 minutes AMRAP x 8 minutes 10 Deadlifts(155/105) 5 Shoulder to Overheard 100m Run 2. 3 sets of: Iso hold Top of the Pull ... Continue Reading

28 Jun

June 29 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – June 28, 2016

1. EMOM x 15 minutes 1- 30 sec max Box Jumps 2- 45 sec Max cal row 3- 30 sec max rep Kettle Bell Swing 2. AMRAP x 6 mintes max reps Burpee Pull ups

28 Jun

June 28 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – June 28, 2016

1. Back Squat 3RM 2. For Time 100 Double Unders 30 Clean+Jerks(135/95) 30 Overhead Squats(135/95) 100 Double Unders