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Author Archives: theadmin

13 May

May 13 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – May 13, 2016

1. AMRAP x 15 minutes In Partners Alternate rounds 12/10 Cal on Assault Bike 10 Deadlifts 225/155 Rest 5 minutes AMRAP x 15 minutes In Partners Alternate Rounds 7 Dumbell Step ups 14 DB Hang Cleans (50/35)

12 May

May 12 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – May 12, 2016

1. EMOM x 10 minutes Front Squat x 1 reps *3 sec pause in bottom 2. 3 Rounds For Time 10 Chest to Bar Pull ups 10 Front Squats (165/115) 10 Burpee over Bar

10 May

May 11 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – May 10, 2016

1. AMRAP x 8 minutes 200m run 20 KB Swings(55/35) rest 2 minutes AMRAP x 8 minutes 200m run 20 Wall Balls rest 2 minutes AMRAP x 8 minutes 200m run 20 Ring Dips

10 May

May 10 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – May 10, 2016

1. Jerk 6 x 2 2. EMOM x 14 minutes 1- 3 Power Cleans + Push Press 2- 4 Tall Box Jumps + 8 Ring Rows

09 May

May 9 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – May 9, 2016

1. 20 rep Back Squat *Increase weight by 5-10lbs from last week 2. EMOM x 8 minutes 1- 30 Double unders+10 t2b 2- 12 DB or KB stiff leg deadlift 3. Tabata Bottoms up air Squat (must be in the bottom of the squat during the rest period)