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Author Archives: theadmin

31 Mar

April 1 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 31, 2016

  WOD 1. Good Mornings 4 x 8 2. Keeping with the Friday Open tradition just alittle longer! Open Wod 11.4 AMRAP x 10 minutes 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Overhead Squats (120/90) 10 Bar Muscle ups

30 Mar

Mar 30 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 30, 2016

1. 2 rounds of : 50 Double unders 15 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) 15 V-ups 2. Hang Power Clean 3RM 3.AMRAP x 12 minutes In Partners Alt. rounds of 200m Run 10 Double KB Cleans (55/35)

29 Mar

Mar 29 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 29, 2016

1.Deadlift Find 3rm 2. 4RFT 25 Wallballs 20/14 20 Hand Release Push ups 15 Pull ups 10 DB Snatch (5r/5l) 50/35 *Time Cap 20mins **reps that are remaining after time cap will be performed as Wallballs

28 Mar

ReVaNation, we have concluded the 5 weeks of the Crossfit Open and the ReVa Intramurals.  We cannot express how proud we are of ALL of you.  There were some of us who got our first muscle up, double under, and toes to bar.  There were also some of us w ... Continue Reading

25 Mar

Mar 26 Open WOD 16.5

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 25, 2016

The holiday hours are as follows Good Friday: 6am, and then we will run heats for the open starting at 9am-noon The back platforms will be open from 9am-1pm Saturday 9am sweaty Saturday 10am mobility with Nancy 11-2pm open gym Sunday 11-2 open gym Monday ... Continue Reading