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Author Archives: theadmin

19 Jan

Jan 20 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 19, 2016

1. Toes to Bar practice 2. Back Squat 5-3-1 5-3-1 Bulgarian Spli Squat 3 x 8 3. “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit ups

19 Jan

Jan 19 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 19, 2016

1. 3 sets of : strict Pull up x 8 One arm bent over row x 8-10 side plank x 30 sec 2. In teams of two AMRAP x 15 min alternate rounds 10 push ups 10 Kb sumo deadlift high pull (55/35) 10 thrusters (5r/5l) 10 kb swing 10 shuttle runs (10 m out 10 back )

17 Jan

Jan 18 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 17, 2016

1. Deadlift 5-3-1, 5-3-1 2. AMRAP x 3 4 Power Clean (155/105) 8 Box Jump Over(24/20) rest 2 minute AMRAP x 3 4 Front Squat (135/95) 8 Burpee over Bar rest 2 min and repeat

14 Jan

Jan 15 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 14, 2016

1. EMOM x 12 minutes 1- Supine Ring Row x 10-12 reps 2- 50 Double Unders 3- L-sit x 30sec 2. For Time 10-8-6-4-2 Strict Press(95/65) 20-18-16-14-12 Kettlebell Swing(70/55)

14 Jan

Jan 14 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 14, 2016

1. Not For Time 600m Farmers Carry 400m Front Rack Carry 200m Overhead Carry 2.???