1. Back Squat 5@ 65% 4@75% 3@80% 2@85% 1@90% 10@70-80% 2. 3 Sets of: 60 second Farmers Carry Walking Lunge 60 second Max Row for Calories 60 second Renegade Row 60 second Rest
1. Back Squat 5@ 65% 4@75% 3@80% 2@85% 1@90% 10@70-80% 2. 3 Sets of: 60 second Farmers Carry Walking Lunge 60 second Max Row for Calories 60 second Renegade Row 60 second Rest
1. 2 Power Clean+ 1 Squat Clean+ 1 Jerk Work up to heavy set 2. EMOM for 12 minutes 1- Stiff leg Deadlift x 10-12 with KettleBells 2- Sumo Deadlift High Pull(95/65) x 10 reps 3- 10 V-ups + 30 second plank
1. Partner Murph 1 mile Run 100 Pull ups 200 Push ups 300 Squats 1 mile Run -both partners must complete the run, break up the pull ups,push-ups , and squats as desired.
1. EMOM for 8 minutes 1- 5 Bench Press (155/105) 2- 5 Power Clean (155/105) 2. 2 Rounds For Time 800m Run 30 kettle bell swings 15 toes to bar
1 Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3 2. In partners, with only one partner working at a time: Accumulate 5minutes of L-sit 50 Ring Rows 100 push ups 300 double unders 400m farmers carry