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Author Archives: theadmin

08 Feb

Feb 9 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 8, 2018

1. EMOM x 8 minute Front Squat x 2 Build to heaviest 2. EMOM x 15 minutes 1- 16/12 cal row 2- 12 DumbbellThrusters (50/35) 3- 12 Burpee over dumbbell

07 Feb

Feb 8 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 7, 2018

Thursday 1. Accumulate 4 min dead hang * every time you drop 10 v ups Time cap 8 min Accumulate 4 min in a wall sit with a 45/25 plate * every time you drop 15/10 Push ups 2. 3 sets of 12/9 cal bike 100ft prowler Push 100ft Front rack dumbbell carry ** re ... Continue Reading

06 Feb

Feb 7 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 6, 2018

Tuesday 1. Take 15 minute Build to heavy Back Squat 2. For Time 15-12-9-6 Back squats (185/125) Toes to bar * take back squats from floor

04 Feb

Feb 5 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 4, 2018

Monday 1. For Time 21-15-9 Dumbell Snatch (50/35) Burpee Box Jump Overs Pull ups Time cap -20 minutes

01 Feb

Feb 2 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 1, 2018

Friday 1. Overhead Squat 8RM 2. AMRAP x 25 In teams of three alternating rounds 12 cal bike 12 KB swing (70/55) 12 single arm oh Lunge (50/35)