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Author Archives: theadmin

09 Jan

Jan 9 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 9, 2018

Tuesday 1. 3 sets of Hollow hold x 20 sec 10 superman with pvc 5 supinated Bar rows 2. Build to 5RM Jerk 3. AMRAP x 8 minutes 7 DB Power Cleans (50/35) 5 DB Push Press 30 Double Unders

07 Jan

Jan 8 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 7, 2018

Monday 1. Build to today’s 2RM back squat Then take 85-90% of today 2RM and perform 2 reps EMOM x 12 minutes

04 Jan

Jan 5 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 4, 2018

1. AMRAP x 20 minutes 50 ft front rack carry (185/125) 5 man makers (50/35) * with a partner Alternate Rounds

03 Jan

Jan 4 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 3, 2018

1. EMOM x 10 Min 1 – 20/15 cal row Min 2- 15 Burpee Rest 5 minutes EMOM x 10 Min 1 – 10 Hang Power Cleans+5 S2O(135/95) Min 2- 10 Toes to Bar

02 Jan

Jan 3 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 2, 2018

New Years Resolution Day 2 1. AMRAP x 15 minutes 30 Wall balls (20/14) 20 Pull ups 10 Deadlifts (275/185)