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Author Archives: theadmin

28 Nov

Nov 29 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 28, 2017

Wednesday 1. AMRAP x 15 10 Wall balls (20/14) 10 Dumbell Snatch (50/35) 10 Wall balls 20 DB Snatch 10 Wall balls 30 dB Snatch …….

28 Nov

Nov 28 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 28, 2017

Tuesday 1. Front Squat 2RM 2. 4 sets of AMRAP x 2 minutes 250m row Max front rack Lunge (155/105) * rest 2 minutes

26 Nov

Nov 27 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 26, 2017

Monday 1. 3 sets not for Time 10 Handstand Push ups 10 ring rows 100ft farmers carry 2. EMOM x 10 minutes 5 pull ups + 5 Burpees + 5 Push Press(95/65)

24 Nov

Nov 24 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 24, 2017

Friday 1. Every 90 sec for 12 minutes Set 1-2 7 Power Cleans Set 3-5 5 Power Cleans Set 6-8 3 Power Cleans 2. For Time 30 Kettle bell Swings (55/35) 15 Right arm Kb Squat Cleans 15 Left arm KB Squat Cleans 25 kettle bell Swings 10 Right arm Squat Cleans 1 ... Continue Reading

23 Nov

Nov 23 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 23, 2017

Thursday 1. AMRAP x 16 minutes Alternate Rounds with a partner 15 cal row 12 bench press (155/105) 10 Toes to Bar