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Author Archives: theadmin

14 Sep

Sept 15 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 14, 2017

Friday 1. In teams of 3 one person working at a time , partition the work as needed 6k bike 300 Wall balls (20/14) 150 Push ups 3k row

14 Sep

Sept 14 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 14, 2017

Thursday 1. 7 Rounds For Time 4 front squats (225/155) 100m run 50ft Overhead carry R-arm(70/50) 50ft Overhead carry L-arm

12 Sep

Sept 12 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 12, 2017

Wednesday 1. For Time with a partner 1 mile run 50 Toes to Bar 100 Power Cleans (135/95) 50 Toes to Bar 1 mile run Time cap 35 min * Partners share the work

11 Sep

Sept 12 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 11, 2017

1. 4 x 3 min AMRAP 25 Kb Swings (70/55) 10 Burpee over Bar Max rep Overhead squat (115/80) Rest 1 minute Workout finishes if you finish 60 squats

10 Sep

Sept 11 Wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 10, 2017

Monday 1. EMOM x 12 minutes 1- 4-6 Strict Pull ups 2- dumbbell stiff leg Deadlift x 15 (tempo 3 sec eccentric ) 3- single arm shoulder Press x 6 (tempo 2 sec eccentric 2. AMRAP x 10 minutes 250m row 5 muscle ups 200m run 50 Double Unders