Thursday 1. EOMOM x 18 Two Cleans + Jerk * Jerk the last clean 2. Accumulate 4min in farmers carry hold
Thursday 1. EOMOM x 18 Two Cleans + Jerk * Jerk the last clean 2. Accumulate 4min in farmers carry hold
Wednesday 1. In teams of 4 each person is in separate stations , work until all reps are complete 400kb Swings 300 Burpee Box jump overs 200 Toes to Bar 15/10 cal assault bike * rotate one the person in bike is done
Tuesday 1. EMOM x 12 1- Push press x 8 2- one arm Kb row 3-Death march x 40 sec 2. AMRAP x 8 minutes in Partners Partner 1 50 ft Overhead DB walking Lunge (50/35) Partner 2 50 ft OH DB walking Lunge Partner 1 50 Double Unders Partner 2 50 Double Unders
Monday 1. Every 12 minutes for 3 Rounds 800m run 20 Wall balls (30/20) or high target 10 Hang Power Cleans (185/125)
Friday 1. 21-15-9 Overhead Squats (135/95) Burpee to a target