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Author Archives: theadmin

29 Mar

Mar 29 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 29, 2017

1. EMOM x 16 minutes 1- 10 DB Push Press+ 30 du 2- 18/15 cal row 3- 15 KB Swings 4- 8 Wall balls + 5 Box Jumps

27 Mar

Mar 28 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 27, 2017

1. AMRAP x 12 minutes 20 Front Squats (185/125) 20 Power Cleans 20 Front Squats * max burpees remaining time 2. 3 sets of : 15 V ups 30 sec plank 20 sec L-sit

26 Mar

Mar 27 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 26, 2017

Congratulations to all Reva athletes that completed the Crossfit Open!  We are very proud of everyone for giving it your all every week for the past 5 weeks.  All the open workouts were extremely tough and the comradery within the gym helped everyone pu ... Continue Reading

23 Mar

Mar 23 WOD & Pizza Party FRIDAY

By: theadmin – Categories: , – March 23, 2017

Standings after the 17.4. We’re throwing a little shaker after the last WOD of the open. Obviously we getting fluffy AKA PIZZA PARTY!!!! #revanation #revaintramural #community #fitness #crossfit #stcatharines#niagara #crossfitopen #fluffy 1. Every 5 ... Continue Reading

22 Mar

Mar 22 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 22, 2017

1. Back Squat 3 RM 2. 3 sets of 30 KB Swings (70/55) 15 Toes to Bar * rest 1 minute