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Author Archives: theadmin

03 Mar

Mar 3 Open Wod 17.2

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 3, 2017

Don’t forget it’s cupcake night tonight at ReVa!  Bring all your family and friends!  Kids are welcome. Cupcakes will be sold during Friday Night Lights – all proceeds going to the local Humane Society Open WOD 17.2 2 rounds of: 50-ft. we ... Continue Reading

02 Mar

Mar 2 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – March 2, 2017

Thursday 1. 5 Rounds Not For Time 6-8 Strict Press 8-10 Stiff leg Deadlift 100ft farmers carry 50ft rope pull 10-12 Scull crusher

01 Mar

Mar 1 WOD & Cupcakes!

By: theadmin – Categories: , – March 1, 2017

**Cupcakes to the rescue! After breaking ourselves with 17.2, Revanation can break open their piggy banks! Cupcakes will be sold Fri, Mar 3rd at Friday Night Lights – all proceeds going to the local Humane Society Min 1- 10 Back Squat (205/135) Min ... Continue Reading

28 Feb

Feb 28 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 28, 2017

Tuesday 1. EMOM x 12 minutes 1- 6 Power Cleans (185/125) 2- 10-12 Handstand Push ups 2 . 3 sets of 60 seconds max cal Assault bike Rest 3 minutes

27 Feb

Feb 27 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 27, 2017

1. 5 Rounds For Time 7 Chest to Bar Pull ups 14 Overhead Squat (115/75)