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Author Archives: theadmin

16 Feb

Feb 16 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 16, 2017

Have you signed up for the open yet?  Sign up online to be part of our Intramural Crossfit Open!  It’s a mere $20. AMRAP x 25 minutes In Partners complete max Rounds of 5 Pull ups 10 Push up 15 Deadlifts (135/95) Partner 1 is on the rower rowing ( ... Continue Reading

14 Feb

Feb 15 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 14, 2017

1. Take 12 minutes and build to heavy clean 2. EMOM x 10 10 Thrusters (75/55)* 5 Toes to Bar

14 Feb

Feb 14 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 14, 2017

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY REVA!!!!  IT’S TIME TO GET #INTHEOPEN  SIGN UP AT 1. 7 Minutes of Burpees to a 6inch target Rest 5 minutes In 12 minutes row max meters with a partner switching every 500m Rest 5 minutes For Ti ... Continue Reading

13 Feb

Feb 13 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 13, 2017

1. In Partners Alternate Rounds 3 Rounds each 10 Double KB Front Squat (55/35) 50ft farmers carry 10 KB Deadlifts 60 ft farmers carry 3. AMRAP x 10 minutes 50 Wall Balls 40 Sumo Deadlift Highpull(95/65) 30 Shoulder to Overhead 20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

10 Feb

Feb 10 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 10, 2017

Friday 1. Split Jerk w/pause in catch position(3 sec) -find 2RM -then 2×2 at 90% w/no pause 2.4 rounds for Time 9 C2B Pull ups 9 Hang Power Cleans 165/115 9 Shoulder to Overhead