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Author Archives: theadmin

02 Feb

Feb 2 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 2, 2017

1. EMOM x 12 minutes 1- Alt. KB Push Press x 4-6 each arm 2- Renegade Row x 12 total 3- 50 Double Unders 2. AMRAP x 7 minutes 3-6-9-12…….. Overhead Squat (95/65) Box Jumps (24/20)

01 Feb

Feb 1 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – February 1, 2017

Wednesday 1. Every 8 minutes for 4 Rounds 1000/750m row 12 Deadlifts (275/185) 9 Toes to Bar 6 Strict Ring Dips

31 Jan

Jan 31 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 31, 2017

1. Back Squat 5-3-1 5-3-1 2. For Time 30 Burpee over Bar 15 Front Squats (225/155) 30 Burpee over Bar

30 Jan

Jan 30 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 30, 2017

Congratulations to Mike, Sarah, Angela and Pat for a great showing at the Element Overdose Crossfit Competition.  We had 3 top 2 placements in their divisions!  We are so proud of all of you.   #revanation is still going strong! 1. AMRAP x 20 min Teams ... Continue Reading

27 Jan

Jan 27 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – January 27, 2017

Friday 1. 4 sets of Handstand push ups x max rep Strict Pull-ups x max rep 1. 4 sets of : 30 Unbroken Wall Balls Rest 3 min * if they are not unbroken there is a penalty x 5 AAB cals for the amount of times the wall balls are broken up