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Author Archives: theadmin

16 Nov

Nov 16 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 16, 2016

1. For Time 50 Burpee Box Jump Over * every 90sec 5 back squat @80% Time cap – 10 min Rest 5 For Time 75 cal Row * every 90sec 5 Front Squat (you choose weight from the floor) *cap 10min

15 Nov

Nov 15 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 15, 2016

1. EMOM x 15 min 1- 10 pull ups +30 du 2- 10 DB Snatch 3- 15 H.R Push ups 2. 3 sets of: Farmers Carry x 100 ft Seated L-sit one arm Press x 6-8 30 sec Flutter Kicks

14 Nov

Nov 14 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 14, 2016

Congratulations to Anje Wynands who competed at the Canadian Powerlifting Provincial Championships this past weekend.  Anje represented ReVa Nation and we are very proud of her. 1. 3 Rounds of : 5 Tall Box Jumps 10 Light Hi Hang Cleans 15 light DB Push P ... Continue Reading

11 Nov


By: theadmin – Categories: – November 11, 2016

1. Hero Wod “Bulger” Canadian Forces Corporal Nicholas Bulger,30, of Peterborough Ontario 10 Rounds of: Run 150 m 7 Chest to bar pull-ups 7 Front Squat 135 7 Handstand push up

10 Nov

Nov 10 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – November 10, 2016

Thursday 1. 3 Rounds of: 20 cal row 10 Hip Thrusters 20 Jumping lunge 2. AMRAP x 15 minutes 60 double unders 30 Wall Balls 15 Deadlifts (245/165) 2. Accumulate 2min L-sit