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Author Archives: theadmin

19 Oct

Oct 19 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 19, 2016

1. Overhead Squat 3RM 1. AMRAP x 6 minutes 3-6-9-12-15 Cals on the Rower Thrusters(95/65) rest 3 minutes AMRAP x 6 minutes Overhead Squat (95/65) Burpee over Bar

18 Oct

Oct 18 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 18, 2016

1. AMRAP x 5 minutes 100m run 10 Push ups 15 Gob Squats 2. EMOM x 10 minutes 1- Bench Press x 5 2- 12 Toes to Bar EMOM x 10 minutes 1- Clean x 3 2- Muscle up x 3-5

17 Oct

ReVa Halloween Party

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 17, 2016

All members are encouraged to come out to our first Halloween party/ members throwdown. We we’ll be making teams of 2, and the workouts will be for all fitness levels. Dressing up is optional but we highly recomend that you do 🙂 There will be a s ... Continue Reading

17 Oct

Oct 17 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 17, 2016

Crossfit Reva Halloween Party Friday Oct 28!  Click here for details. 1. “Ghost” 6 Rounds 1 minute of rowing for cals 1 minute of burpees 1 minutes of double unders 1 min of rest 2. 10 min farmers carry with a partner

14 Oct

Oct 14 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 14, 2016

1. Back Squats 10-8-6-4-2 2. AMRAP x 5 minutes 600m run Max Kettlebell Swings rest 2 minutes AMRAP x 5 minutes 400m run Max Barbell Step ups (95/65)