Friday 1. In the spirit of the Olympics let’s run 😀 200m x 6 rest 1min 2. For Time 50 cal AAB 3. 3 sets of Split Squat 3×8-10
Friday 1. In the spirit of the Olympics let’s run 😀 200m x 6 rest 1min 2. For Time 50 cal AAB 3. 3 sets of Split Squat 3×8-10
Thursday 1. Sumo Deadlift 2RM 2. EMOM x 15 minutes 1- 10 Dumbell Push Press 2- 5 Muscle Ups 3- 45 sec max distance double KB front rack carry
1. 3 Rounds For time 800m Run 25 Kettle Bell Swings(70/55) 50 Air Squats 75 Double Unders
1. Push Jerk 2RM 2. 4min max Strict Pull up 3min max Strict Handstand Push up 2 min max Push Ups 3. For Completion Hallow Rocks x 30 3min Plank
1. Clean-High Hang+ Hang+ Floor x 6 sets work up to heaviest 2. 12-9-6-3 Front Squat (185/125) Burpee over Bar Toes to Bar