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June 10 WOD

09 Jun

This Saturday at 10am we have a movement and mobility session.

physical skills among our community. Since the human body is an integrated system, deficiencies in these skills adversely affect our athletic performance as our stability, co-ordination and accuracy begin to tend toward decrepitude. Poor mobility also means a decrease in an athlete’s ability to build strength, while it exposes us to an increased risk of injury.

Come out for our Movement, Mobility and Stretch session and start working toward broadening your fitness base! Hosted by Coach Dušan Petrovski. Free for all members.

Click here to RSVP

1. EMOM x 5 minutes
Front Squat x 2
Every 90sec for 9 minutes
Front Squat x 1

2. AMRAP x 10 minutes
50 double unders
15 Toes to Bar
10 Front Squat (135/95)


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