1. 3 Sets of Suitcase Deadlifts x 8 Jefferson Curl x 8 2. 3 sets of AMRAP x 2 minutes Row 30/25 cals Max KB swing (70/55) * rest 2 minutes
1. 3 Sets of Suitcase Deadlifts x 8 Jefferson Curl x 8 2. 3 sets of AMRAP x 2 minutes Row 30/25 cals Max KB swing (70/55) * rest 2 minutes
Wednesday 1. “Karen “ 150 Wall balls 2. Core Work
Tuesday 1. 4 Rounds For Time 600m run 30 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
1. Every 90sec for 21 minutes 1- Back Squat x 8-10 reps 2- Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Friday 1. AMRAP x 18 minutes In Partners Alternate Rounds 5 man makers (50/35) 50ft Front rack walking Lunge (50/35) 5 Bar muscle ups