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Author Archives: theadmin

06 Oct

Oct 7 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 6, 2015

1. Jerk 1RM 2. AMRAP x 20 minutes Alt. Rounds with a partner : 50m Farmers Carry 12 KB Push Press 50m Farmers Carry 9 Front Rack Lunge 50m Farmers Carry 6 Thrusters 50 m Farmers Carry

06 Oct

Oct 6 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 6, 2015

1. Work Up to Heaviest weight for the complex: 3 Power Cleans + Clean 2. AMRAP x 10 Minutes 40m Bear Crawl 10 Deadlifts (225/155) 10 Box Jumps 3. Ring Fall Outs 3×8

04 Oct

Oct 5 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 4, 2015

1. Work up to a Heavy Front Squat 2. EMOM x 16 minutes 1- 10 Burpees 2- 10 Pull Ups 3- 10 Front Squats @ 55% of what you hit today 4- 15 Push Ups

01 Oct

Oct 2 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – October 1, 2015

1. Good Mornings 4×8 2. In Partners Complete 100 Front Rack KB Lunge 200m OH Plate Carry (45/25) 50 T2B 200m OH Plate Carry 100 Front Rack KB Lunge

29 Sep

Sept 30 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 29, 2015

1. Push Press 5RM 2. 4 sets of : 45 sec. Of Ring Push ups Rest 15 sec. 45 second. Strict Pull ups Rest 15 sec. 45 seconds of Double Unders Rest 15 sec. 45 seconds of Renegade Rows Rest 15 sec.