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Author Archives: theadmin

09 Jul

July 10 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – July 9, 2015

1 . For Time “Fran-cy” 21 Thruster ( 95/65) 400m Run 15 Over Head Squats. (95/65) 400m Run 15 Thrusters 400m Run 15 OH Squats 400m Run 9 Thrusters 400m Run 15 OH squats

08 Jul

July 9 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – July 8, 2015

1. 4 sets of: Dumbbell or Barbell Bench Press x 8-10 Chin over the Bar Hold x 30-60 sec Plank x 60 sec 2. AMRAP for 9 minutes 21- Kettle bell Swings 15- HR Push Ups 9- Pull ups

07 Jul

July 8 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – July 7, 2015

1. Back Squat 3×3 2. 3 sets of : 10 DB Burpees 5 Tall Box Jumps Rest 1min between rounds 3. 4 sets of : 5 Push Press 5 Front Squats 5 Thrusters Rest 2 minutes between sets

06 Jul

July 7 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – July 6, 2015

In teams of 2 one partner working at a time: AMRAP. For 4 minutes Max Rope Climbs AMRAP for 4 minutes Max distance Prowler Push AMRAP for 4 minutes Max Rep Deadlift(315/205) AMRAP for 4 minutes Max rep Double Unders AMRAP for 4 minutes Max distance Front ... Continue Reading

06 Jul

July 6 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – July 6, 2015

1. EMOM for 8 minutes Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean + Hang Clean 2. 3 sets of : Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 per leg One Arm Dumbbell Row x 8-10 3. 4 Rounds For Time 200m Run 15 Toes to Bar