1. 4 sets of: Floor Press x 6-8 Ring Row x 10-12 2.10 Rounds For Time 40m shuttle run- 10m out,10m back,10m our, 10m back 10 Med Ball Cleans 20lb 10 One arm Shoulder to Overhead(5R/5L)
1. 4 sets of: Floor Press x 6-8 Ring Row x 10-12 2.10 Rounds For Time 40m shuttle run- 10m out,10m back,10m our, 10m back 10 Med Ball Cleans 20lb 10 One arm Shoulder to Overhead(5R/5L)
1. 3 Rounds of: 10 HSPU 10 Pistols 30 sec L-sit 2. For Time 15-12-9 Power Clean (115/85) T2B 9-12-15 Thrusters Bar Facing Burpee
1. EMOM for 12 1- Renegade Row x 12(6 per side) 2- Ring Dips x 6-8 3- Russian Twist x 20 2. In teams of two alternate sets to complete 4 each of: 40 du 30 KB swings
1. Work up to a 5 RM Front Squat 2. 5 Rounds for time 10 Deadlifts (225/155) 20 Wall Ball
1. 4 sets of Seated Shoulder press x 4-6 reps Strict Pull up x 4-6 reps Weighted planks x 20-30 seconds 2. Tabata x 8 rounds of Ball Slams Plate ground to overhead Row Push up * 1 minute rest between each