1. 3 sets of Monster Walks x 50 feet(length of gym) 2. “Tabata” 20 sec on 10 sec off x 4 minutes each AAB Shuttle Run (50 ft out 50 ft back) Pistols KB Snatch
1. 3 sets of Monster Walks x 50 feet(length of gym) 2. “Tabata” 20 sec on 10 sec off x 4 minutes each AAB Shuttle Run (50 ft out 50 ft back) Pistols KB Snatch
Wednesday 1. 3 sets 10 hollow rocks 10 superman 10 pull overs 2. EMOM x 8 minutes 1- 6 beat swings + 3 Toes to bar 2- 6-8 Strict HSPU 3. In partners complete 400m Overhead Carry 200 Double Unders 100 Ring Rows
Tuesday 1. 3 Rounds of Every 10 minutes complete : 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 20 cal row 10 Clean and Jerk (155/105)
1. Stiff leg deficit Deadlifts -stand on 45plat 3RM 2. 3 sets of : Single arm Floor Press x 8 Supinated pull up x 5 3. AAB Sprint for 25sec for max cals, rest 90 seconds….then complete those amount of cals for Time
1. Back Squat Work up to heavy with a 4 sec pause 2. For Time 75 Push ups 50 Sumo Deadlift Highpull (75/55) 25 Toes to Bar