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Author Archives: theadmin

27 Sep

Sept 27 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 27, 2016

1. With a partner complete 4 rounds each of: 30 Wall Balls 20 Hang Cleans (115/75) 10 Chest to Bar Pull ups

25 Sep

Sept 26 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 25, 2016

Congratulations to our ReVa athletes that competed at the Element Team Challenge this past weekend.  ReVa Divas & Jerks had a great showing!  We are very proud to have you represent our box at the competition. 1. Pause Front Squat 3RM *pause 3 scond ... Continue Reading

22 Sep

Sept 23 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 22, 2016

Good luck to the ReVa athletes competing at the Element Team Challenge this Saturday!  We know you will kill it! 1. Back Squat 8RM 2. 3 Rounds For Time 25 Kettle Bell Swings(55/35) 20 Walking Lunges 15 Toes to Bar

22 Sep

Sept 22 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 22, 2016

1. In partners alternate to complete 4 rounds each 50ft Overhead KB Carry (55/35) 10 Bent over row 50 ft Overhead Carry 10 KB Push Press 2. Every 3 Minutes for 15 minutes 12/7 Cal Bike 10 Power Clean (135/95) 10 Box Jump Over

20 Sep

Sept 21 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 20, 2016

1. Deadlift 3RM 2. In Teams of Two 150 Dumbell Snatch (70/50) EMOM- one partner does 5 Burpees / One partner does 10 burpees