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Author Archives: theadmin

12 Sep

Sept 12 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 12, 2016

Monday 1. Hang Power Clean 10 minutes to find heaviest 2. AMRAP x 15 minutes 200m run Dumbell Burpee Step Overs * in team of 2. alt when the person is finished their run

09 Sep

RP Strength Challenge

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 9, 2016

Are you looking to get the crossfit body you’ve been wanting since you’ve started? Nutrition is the key to getting you there. If you’re looking to get your nutrition on track, join the 90 day RP Strength challenge and see for yourself what all the h ... Continue Reading

09 Sep

Sept 9 WOD

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 9, 2016

1. Back Squat 4RM 2. 4 Rounds For Time 5 Thrusters(135/95) 10 Back Rack Lunges 20/15 HR Push ups

08 Sep

Sept 8 WOD & RP Strength Challenge

By: theadmin – Categories: , – September 8, 2016

Have you signed up for the RP Strength Challenge?  Lose weight, get fit and improve your overall health in 90 days.  Sign up at the Gym today. 1. Warm Up 3 Rounds of: 10 Ring Rows 10 Single Leg Deadlift 15 cal row 2. Deadlift 4RM 3. EMOM x 12 minutes 1- ... Continue Reading

06 Sep

Sept 6 wod

By: theadmin – Categories: – September 6, 2016

1. Overhead Squat 5×5 2. AMRAP x 15 Minutes 3 Power Clean(185/125) 3 Front Squats 3 Jerks *with a partner alt. rounds