Friday 1. 4 sets of Handstand push ups x max rep Strict Pull-ups x max rep 1. 4 sets of : 30 Unbroken Wall Balls Rest 3 min * if they are not unbroken there is a penalty x 5 AAB cals for the amount of times the wall balls are broken up
Friday 1. 4 sets of Handstand push ups x max rep Strict Pull-ups x max rep 1. 4 sets of : 30 Unbroken Wall Balls Rest 3 min * if they are not unbroken there is a penalty x 5 AAB cals for the amount of times the wall balls are broken up
1. Deadlifts 5×5 2. AMRAPx 15 minutes with a partner 10 Alternating DB Snatch (70/50) 50ft suitcase carry 10 Alt. DB Snatch 50ft suitcase carry * alt rounds
1. In teams of 3 250cal for Time 2. 5 Rounds For Time 5 Power Cleans (185/125) 10 Back Squats 5 Strict Toes to Bar
1. AMRAP x 6 minutes Shuttle run 50 ft out 50 ft back 10 Gob Squats 15 Push ups 2. For Time 21 -15-9 Strict Press (105/70) 42-30-18 Kettle bell Swings (70/55) 84-60-36 Double Unders
1. Pistol Practise 2. EMOM x 15 minutes 1- Dumbell Thrusters x 12 2- Burpees x 12 3 – Box Jump (30/20) x 6